June, 2022 | Haggar Group
Haggar Group has been holding forums with its main stakeholders since the year 2013.
These forums aim at encouraging important discussions, networking, and consultation opportunities with the company’s key stakeholders, amongst which is the private sector, the international community, academia, local NGOs, and other likeminded institutions on topics related to the sustainable development of Sudan.
The private sector plays a critical role in the economic development of Sudan as a provider of goods and services, a creator of jobs, and a contributor to community development. Thus, on June 26th, 2022, in partnership with the UNDP, with DAL and CTC as key participants; a forum was held on the topic of the “Private Sector & the UN Global Compact (UNGC)”. This topic was selected as sustainability is imperative for business today, and as the UNGC provides a universal language and a global roadmap to guide all businesses regardless of size, complexity, or location towards achieving it.
The UNGC provides an opportunity to be more conscious of the positive impact we could have on human rights, labor practices, the environment and anti-corruption not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it is good for business too.
Being a signatory of the UNGC , and committing to its 10 principles, provides a chance for the Sudanese private sector to exercise good governance and implement best practices in these four areas, thus positively affecting the lives of our different stakeholders, doing no harm to the environment, and helping create a fairer ecosystem.
The forum was held to encourage joining the local network and committing to its principles. The bigger the network, the more likely the private sector as a community is to build a sustainable and thriving environment for them to flourish and in turn the country and its people to prosper.
Haggar Group publishes reports on all of its stakeholders’ forums, find more on this one and others here.
Learn more or join the UNGC by scanning the QR code below.