carbon footprint

GHG Emissions Calculation

The debate on climate change – what it is or why it is happening – is over. The question now is how businesses should operate in a carbon-constrained future. Carbon footprint provides a means to encapsulate a strategy designed to support the evolution and implementation of environmentally oriented business practice, thereby promoting long-term sustainability.

Reducing one’s organisational carbon footprint not only positions the business well in terms of future regulation, but can also generate valuable income.

Haggar group conducts Green House Gases (GHG) inventory for its group of companies’ activities with the aim to undertake, based on the result of this

inventory, internal and external reduction measures in collaboration with line ministries, international organizations and civil society organizations, to offset its Green House Gases (GHG) emissions and reduce its carbon print.

This practice is conducted every other year to contribute to the overall mitigation of climate change impact and reduce negative environmental effects. So far the group has generated three inventory reports for the years 2012, 2014 and 2016.


The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol

A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard developed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Coun-cil for Sustainable Development. This methodology was first published in 2001 and is under continuous development ever since. Other standards have as well been derived from it. The objective of the Protocol is to simplify and systemize the com-plex process of collecting information, calculating and reporting of GHGs.

benefits of carbon footprinting


It helps businesses establish benchmarks, set quantitative targets and evaluate alternatives for future activities.


Identify strategies that will succeed in a resource-constrained world, including products and services that will be most needed in the future.