Developing and using governance structures that help to promote ethical behaviour within the group of companies, in its decision-making and in its interactions with internal and external stakeholders.
message from the ceo

As inherent as it may seem, sharing blessings with others is all too often neglected by businesses today. As the third generation of leadership at Haggar, we follow the example of our founder and chairman, both of whom made a point of instilling a culture of inclusiveness across a broader stakeholder base.
Today, supported by both branches of the same tree – Haggar Foundation and the CSI department – we continue to build upon the foundation laid down by previous generations.
Giving back has been deeply entrenched in the way we think and work; we don’t look at CSI as just a moral obligation, but a means by which we can ensure sustainable development in real terms.
If we are to survive and leave a worthy legacy for generations to come, we must generate profits in a way that simultaneously improves the lives of the community and protects the environment. Profit is our means to an end, but never the end in itself; our end is to positively impact the lives, families, communities, and environment we touch every day.
sustainability framework
The Sustainability Policy
Defines commitments to environmental and social sustainability.
ISO 26000 Standards
Our Corporate Sustainability & Social Impact department has adopted the seven core subjects of the ISO26000 Corporate Responsibility Standard.
Performance Standards
Defines Governance, Environmental and Social Performance Standards that define Haggar Group responsibilities for managing their environmental and social risks/impacts.
UNGC Principles
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), Haggar Group is committed to promote the UNGC ten principles under the four thematic areas; Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption as well as advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.
esg framework
Strategic commitment to sustainable development is an integral part of our approach. Haggar Group has gone the extra mile to not only deal with its negative impact and direct corporate responsibility. Instead, it strives to fully integrate social, environmental and governance issues into its strategic plans and core business activities in a way that make the transition from traditional to sustainable business.
Haggar Group has adopted CSI values and standards in all its business processes and practices that reduce negative environmental and social impact, and contribute to sustainable development; providing goods and services that address the world’s major challenges of poverty, climate change, resources depletion and globalization.
Our Corporate Sustainability & Social Impact department ensures inclusive practices and strengthening of our governance system, communities and the environment on local, regional and global contexts.
Through CSI measures, the Group addresses the concerns of its stakeholders and strives to maintain a balance between financial profit and socio-environmental best practices.
As clearly stated in the code of conduct, Haggar Group is highly committed to implementing CSI initiatives that put the values and measures of social and environmental responsibility at the heart of its business practices.