Fuel Efficient Stoves for Women in Darfur

December 10, 2018 | Haggar CSI Division

Under the Gold Standard Foundation (GSF) certification plan for voluntary emission reduction, the Haggar Group in Partnership with Women Development Association Network (WDAN), have officially registered their joint carbon-finance project: Fuel-Efficient Stoves for North Darfur Women as an official Gold Standard carbon project.

The GSF has been established in 2003 by the World Wildlife Fund and other international NGOs as a best practice standard to ensure projects that reduced carbon emissions under the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) also delivered on the dual mandate to foster sustainable development. It now has more than 80 NGO supporters and 1400+ projects in over 80 countries, creating billions of dollars of shared value from climate and development action worldwide.

The project replaces less-efficient cookstoves in selected areas in the North Darfur region, populated with vulnerable and poor households, with the EzyStove® which models superior performance combined with a modern, desirable aesthetic, improving the quality of lives, and preserving the environment. The EzyStove® facilitates 40% in wood savings and reduces smoke emissions that are harmful to the eyes and lungs by 70% as well as promoting other socio-economic benefits such as a significant increase in firewood cost, increase in time spent in other household activities and reducing indoor smoke pollution. The project also reduced the pressure on the constantly decreasing forests in the region.

With the correct and consistent usage of the stoves, diligent monitoring and validation processes, it has been confirmed by the GSF that carbon emissions have successfully been reduced by 12,681 tons collectively for the years 2015 to 2017. With this reduction of emissions, comes the reward of carbon credits, which are to soon be traded in the international carbon-credit markets.

A remarkable effort has been put by the Women Development Association Network in ensuring that all aspects of the project are diligently and efficiently implemented. This included selection of vulnerable households, assembly, and distribution of stoves, implementation of all technical tests to ensure the efficiency of stoves as well as daily monitoring of the project. 50% of the traded carbon credits will thus go for The WDAN which they will use in expanding the spectrum and the outreach of their community development activities in over 60 villages in Alfasher, North Darfur.

The issuance of these Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs) comes with the maturing of the project and marks Haggar Group as the first private sector entity in the history of Sudan to have embarked and succeeded in a similar venture.


For more information on the Gold Standard Foundation please refer to the below link:
